How To Bleed Brakes

Speedi-Bleed Instructions

STEP 1 Remove brake fluid reservoir filler cap
STEP 2 Attach Speedi-Bleed adapter to reservoir

* Firmly & evenly tighten wing nuts (C100, C200, C300 adapters)

* Lubricate o-ring to ease installation (applicable adapters)
STEP 3 Connect bottle fluid hose to adapter

* Push bottle female coupler onto adapter male coupler
STEP 4 Fill Speedi-Bleed bottle with fresh brake fluid

* If bleeding / flushing all 4 wheels, fill bottle 80-90%
* Firmly re-tighten bottle cap after filling bottle
* Bottle can be pre-filled away from vehicle to prevent spills
STEP 5 Connect bottle air hose to tire

* Make sure pressure regulator is backed off before connecting

* Pro & Complete Kits - push air nozzle onto tire valve and twist
nozzle clockwise 1/3 turn to release and seal pressure
STEP 6 Set working pressure

* Starting with 0 psi, slowly adjust regulator to 10-15 psi

* Observe adapter / brake reservoir for any signs of leaks.
No leak should occur, but if so, lower pressure until leak subsides
STEP 7 Open bleeder screws
* Open for 10-15 seconds, or until fluid is clean and bubble free.

* A clear hose and catch container can be used to collect the old fluid

* If bleeding multiple wheels, do each wheel in sequence


1. Remove air hose from tire
2. Crack open bottle cap (about 1/4 turn) to release pressure
3. Turn regulator knob counter clockwise (to setup tool for future usage)
4. Disconnect fluid hose from adapter
5. Remove adapter from master cylinder reservoir
6. Replace master cylinder filler cap